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Traveling to San Blas by plane How much does a flight to the San Blas Islands cost?

If you decide to travel by plane, give us a call and not only can we coordinate your flight, but there may be some seats available on your dates that you may be able to fill at a cheaper price.

The cost of private flights to San Blas varies between $120 per person each way and $295 per person each way


2 passengers: Total price per private plane $590 each way: Price per passenger is $295 each way, total cargo weight 650 pounds.


3 passengers: Total price per private plane is $590 one way: Price per passenger is $196 one way, total cargo weight 650 pounds.


4 passengers: Total price per private jet $590 each way: The price per guest is $147 each way, total cargo weight 650 lbs


5 passengers: Total price per private jet $590 each way: The price per guest is $118 each way, total cargo weight 650 lbs


6 passengers: Total price per private jet $1200 each way: Price per guest is $200 each way Total cargo weight 1300 lb\


7 passengers: Total price per private jet $1200 each way: Price per guest is $171 each way. Total cargo weight 1300 pounds


8 passengers: Total fare per private aircraft is $1,200 each way: Fare per passenger is $150 each way. Total cargo weight 1,300 pounds.


9 passengers: Total price per private jet $1200 each way: Price per guest is $133 each way. Total cargo weight 1300 pounds


10 passengers: Total price per private jet $1200 each way: The price per guest is $120 each way. Total cargo weight 1300 pounds


Cesna aircraft available for travel to San Blas

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